RHB Bank All Geared Up to Rule the Local Financial Sector
RHB Bank’s Credit Card Online & Various Products & services
Presently, RHB Bank is among the leaders of the financial market in Malaysia. With all the foundations laid down in 10 countries within South East Asia which include Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Thailand; RHB is confident to progress faster by providing banking facilities which can help both individuals and businesses in line with their respective needs. RHB Bank views this as a way to serve consumers better.
Individuals and organisations are free to open their savings and current account with RHB Bank easily and enjoy competitive interest rate as they deposit money into their accounts. When they intend to make any transactions online, they’ll be able to easily use the online banking services, RHB Now. For offline transactions, they’re able to access the ATM & CDM machines and also any MEPS ATM quite easily for withdrawal.
The shift from standard purchasing method using cash to cashless method has increased substantially the demand from customers for credit cards. As proven beyond doubt in the data from many analysis conducted, the acceptance towards e-payment method by the public is showing dramatical growth. Hence, credit cards are becoming more popular as cardholders may make online purchase without difficulty.
RHB Bank understands that it is vital to lower the visible difference between supply and demand. Thus, they have formulated an appealing credit card scheme which gives value which include cashback rewards that multiplies as more transactions are being made by cardholders gradually.
Then again, the Bank understands that consumer banking surpasses credit cards and savings. Nowadays, many of us rely upon loans to purchase assets, but getting a loan approval is usually a frustrating process. So, RHB Bank had developed a flexible program for everyone with minimum interest rate for quite a few different varieties of loans. In addition to that, personal financial investment, unit trust, and also insurance plans are also offered.
For entrepreneurs and corporations, there’re able to engage with RHB Bank for corporate banking facilities. Businesses may sign up for business loans if they’re interested, and in addition they may also engage in other sorts of corporate banking facilities. As some businesses requested, RHB Bank also offers online cash management services.
There’s definitely one special group of customers which will reap the most benefits from this: the SMEs. The services made available by RHB Bank can certainly make it possible for them to gain more capital to grow their business by making application for the loan. Furthermore, SMEs in the e-commerce industry can also sign up for RHB’s reliable retail solutions.
Despite, the bank has not ever lost attention on Syariah-compliant financial instruments. That is primarily as a consequence of high demand by the general public in Malaysia. That being said, banking facilities that adhere to the minimum Syariah requirement which includes Islamic treasury, Islamic corporate banking, unit trust, and wealth management services are being put forward.
A tremendous 24 annual brand value growth happen to have been seen by the Bank in 2016, which places them as one of the five top domestic banking players. Seeing the forthcoming market growth potential, RHB Bank has equipped themselves with a more rigorous and effective tactics to further grow their value and share of the market in the immediate future.