Should you get a personal loan to fund your wedding?
Congratulations, you’re engaged to the love of your life! Both of you are excited about the wedding, and you probably have an idea of how your big day will be. It could be a small-scaled wedding with close friends or a grand party by a beach, either way; you’ll need a large sum of money to make it come true.
An average wedding in Malaysia costs at least RM50,000 according to seasoned wedding planners. You’re fortunate if you have a family to back you up with that amount of money, but you may need to depend on a personal loan if that’s not the case.
Check out these benefits of getting a personal loan to fund your dream wedding:
Instantly in your hands
Getting a large sum of money out of your pocket at once is a challenging task. By getting a personal loan, you’re free to plan your wedding immediately with a budget available at hand.
Make your dreams come true
Getting married is a big part of anyone’s life, so it’s understandable if you want it to be as perfect as it can be. An outdoor wedding, a fantasy-themed wedding or a wedding overseas are all possible if you have a personal loan backing you up to make that dream wedding a reality.
Saving cash for important matters
Weddings are great, but when you’re about to start a life with another person, you could use the money on other issues in the future. You may need any extra money you can get on buying a house or raising a child, and getting a personal loan lessens that burden.
Final thoughts
Obtaining a personal loan may seem like the magic solution to all your wedding funding problems, but it’s advisable to seek your partner’s opinion first, as you may need to co-sign the loan together. A personal loan is beneficial to those have budgeted to pay for the wedding, but have no cash on them to immediately cover the costs.
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